Tuesday 18 October 2011

18th Oct: first feedback from triads...!

There has been some fantastic work going on with the TELL group triads over the past few weeks...

Jennie, Caroline and Emma have been focusing on using role play to enhance understanding and engagment in topics. Jennie has found this particularly useful with her top set year 10 and is happy for people to visit her lessons during the gallery week next half term (TBC!). Caroline has been developing independence with her theory groups, trying to encourage students to take responsibility for their folder work. Emma has used 'expert groupings' to encourage ownership of the content in her Year 10 group. Good work!

Louise, John and Elizabeth have developed a Wiki link on our school moodle site that explores their focus on resilience and independence in the 6th form. They made the crucial point that these learning habits and behaviours needs to be reinforced constantly if students are to progress in their resilience and independence. Look out for more updates on their work on moodle! (Staffroom, TELL area).

Jonny and myself focused on taking risks (and questioned why we always associate this with behaviour matters and not necessarily academic challenges or risks). Jonny is taking a risk with an observed lesson where the students come up with the lesson objective themselves...let us know how it goes!!

Sally has worked on different types of learning and Dan has focused on using role play to enhance students' understanding. With the different types of learning, Sally has looked at learning as self-discovery and learning as a community using student blogs to faciliate independent learning with her year 13 class. Dan has produced a great video that demonstrates how he used role play to encourage students to understand different weather systems - a great success and the students evidently loved the lesson! See below for video.

The work this half term has been fantastic, we're looking forward to popping into each others' lessons for new ideas in our gallery week next half term!

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