Sunday 16 January 2011

TELL focus: pace, progression and challenge

Aspects of personalised and independent learning in my classroom... are the aspects of teaching and learning below typical, occasional or rare?

Learners create their own hypotheses, ask their own questions, and experiment with ideas for taking risks.

Learners coach one another, set goals for themselves and monitor their progress.

Assessment is both formative and summative and supports learning: learners monitor their progress and, with their teachers, identify their next steps.

Teachers and learners know what the highest standards of work look like and how to get there.

Sufficient time is always given for learners’ reflection.

Whether individually or in pairs, learners review what they have learnt and how they have learnt it. Their evaluations contribute to their understanding.

Learners know their levels of achievement and make progress towards their goals.

Learning objectives and success criteria are shared.

Questions are frequently higher order and open, with ‘waiting time’ used to encourage reflection.
Teachers and learners recognise that mistakes and ‘being stuck’ are part of learning.

Learning follows the plan, do, review structure.

Role-play is used to enrich and contextualise learning material.

Investigative and problem solving skills are widely used to develop independent learning.

Learners are given choice in how to approach , complete or produce work for tasks.

Opportunity to work through tasks with no correct answer/more than one correct answer are provided.

Time restricted activities are used to create pace throughout the lesson.

A variety of methods are used to approach tasks e.g. pair work, group work, students teaching each other through presentations etc.

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